This Week’s Devotional


Acts 13:1-12
by Brian Knitter

Have you ever tried to talk to a friend about Christ, but there were others present who were working against you? Do you know people who promote things you know are wrong? Paul and Barnabas had this issue in Cyprus.

After a time of fasting, the congregation at Antioch (Syria) were led to send Paul and Barnabas on a mission trip. They blessed Paul and Barnabas and sent them on their way. First stop: Cyprus.

In their travels, they met a man they wished to minister to, Sergius Paulus, but he was flanked by a false prophet, Bar-Jesus, and a sorcerer, Elymas. This became a spiritual tug of war for Sergius’ very soul! Something had to be done, so the Holy Trinity stepped in. The Holy Spirit gave Paul insight into the soul of Elymas, Paul pronounced it was bad, and cursed him; causing Elymas temporary blindness. Sergius, seeing all this (bet Elymas didn’t see it!) became a believer on the spot. It was a miracle!

Now, some things about miracles. First off, Paul did nothing in his own power in this situation. He only did what the Holy Spirit allowed him to; and said what the Holy Spirit told him to say. How do I know? The miracle would not have happened if Paul did this in his own power. Paul allowed himself to be fully used of God, thus becoming the messenger through which the Holy Spirit worked. And, finally, God was glorified as a result; not Paul or anyone else. Aside from the “wow, haven’t seen that before” part of the miracle, fully yielded people, acting in the power of the Holy Spirit, for the sole glory of God are also required, for that is how God chooses to work His miracles.

While the Bible usually promotes loving your enemies and praying for them (i.e..: not cursing them), in this case God pronounced judgment on Elymas, through Paul, so that He, God, could be glorified, and Sergius could come to Christ. A miracle indeed.